Monday, 8 February 2010
The quiz will start promptly at 7:30 and is open to all groups who use or are associated with the church.
If you would like to put forward a team (max 8) or join a team on the night, then sign up on the sheet in the back hall of the church.
If you would like to help make the church garden look tidier please come along and get involved.
We will be starting around 2pm.
We as a church have 8 people signed up to be Street Pastors and 7 people committed to be part of the prayer support team.
In total there are 22 Street Pastors and 15 on the prayer support team.
If you would like to come along and support, please do get in touch.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
On THURSDAY 17th DECEMBER we are going carol singing around the streets opposite the church. This will be in partnership with St John’s Spitalgate.
There are 2 ways to get involved:
• Meet @ GBC @ 6:30-6:45pm to go singing (we will be out from approx. 7-9pm, after which we will come back to the church for refreshments).
The intention is to take some mince pies with us to give out, and so the 2nd way to get involved is by:
• Making or buying some mince pies – for use on the night and also for use on Sunday the 20th at the “Carols by Candlelight” service. (Please let Ian Whittle know if you plan to help in this way, so we know roughly how many mince pies we will have)
The mince pies can be brought in on Sunday the 13th December OR by 6pm on Thursday the 17th December. This then gives us chance to get them ready for distribution.
AndyTuesday, 22 September 2009
"Creative Communication"
Saturday 10-12:30: Creative Communication, training session
3:30-5: Children's praise party
Sunday 10-11:30: All age worship
For more info. contact John and Hilary Sharpe ( or ring the church office (01664 480786).
Booking is essential.
There is no official charge but donations will be gratefully received.
If you are planning on staying for the two sessions on the Saturday, please bring a packed lunch.
"Re-Imagining Church: Connecting the Generations"
Seminars and workshops to include: Intergenerational theology; Generational Segregation in society & church; Encouraging faith in the home; All-age worship; 'Messy Church'; Godly-play; Ageing and Spirituality
Saturday 7th November 2009.
@ West Bridgeford Baptist Church (
Cost: £10
Drinks provided, but bring a packed lunch.
Please book by Saturday 17th October 2009.
Cheques payable to 'Ruddington Baptist Church', & send with names & contact details to:
Mrs Julie Lazonby
Ruddington Baptist Church
62 Musters Road,
NG11 6HW.
For more info. contact:
"Survivor's Guide to Leading Worship"
Session 1 - 17th October 2009. Looking at: Why worship?, Planning worship, Different ways of leading prayer.
Session 2 - 5th December 2009. Singing, music & worship, Spirituality & leading worship, Worship & the whole of life.
Both sessions will run from 9:30-3:30
They will be held at West Bridgeford Baptist Church ( and led by the Rev Dr Chris Ellis.
Cost is £10 per day. Drinks provided but bring your own packed lunch.